Friday 22 December 2017

100 TOP GK

Geography Questions (India and the World)
The main river flowing in the State of Jammu and Kashmir is – Indus
The most important coal field in India is – Jharia Coalfield
The Kabul Lamjao, the only floating National Park in the world is in – Manipur
The middle zone of the earth with a thickness of 2780 km having an average density of 5.6 is known as – Pyrosphere
Tapti river originates from – Satpura range
Wild Ass Sanctuary is situated in –Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat
Sriharikota is situated in – Andhra Pradesh
The headquarters of North Eastern Railway is – Gorakhpur
Which is a major port on the East Coast of India? – Vishakhapatnam
The highest peak of the Kara-koram Range is – Mt. K2 (Godvin Austin)

Indian Polity and Constitution Questions
The President can be removed from his office before the expiry of his normal term only on the recommendation of – The two Houses of Parliament
The State has its own Constitution is – Jammu and Kashmir
Under which constitutional amendment 30% seats in village panchayats have been reserved for women in India? – 73
Which Constitutional Amendment Act facilitates the appointment of the same person as a governor for two or more states ? – 7th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1956
The oath of office is conducted to the President by – The Chief Justice of India
The Zonal Councils are the statutory bodies established by an Act of the Parliament that is – States Reorganisation Act of 1956
The provision of Panchayats has been mentioned in – Part IX
Indian National Movement Questions
The call for 'Quit India Movement' against Britishers was given in – 1942
The famine which killed nearly 8 lakh people during British rule as per the report furnished by the Famine Commission of 1660 had struck – Western India in November 1876-77
The theory of economic drain of India during British imperialism was propounded by – Dadabhai Naoroji
Which of the British Acts provided for the establishment of All India Federation at the centre? – The Government of India Act 1935
The system of competitive examination for Civil Service was accepted, in principle, in the year – 1853
Who said, "This (the revolt 1857) was an eruption of social volcano, where many spent forces found vent. After the eruption, the whole social topography had changed; the scars of rebellion remained deep and shining." – Ashok Mehta
The revolutionary woman who led the revolution of 1857 in Oudh was – Begum Hazrat Mahal
Who is the author of the book 'The Great Rebellion' ? – Ashok Mehta
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were sentenced to death in – Lahore conspiracy case
Who called the revolt of 1857 as a war between barbarism and civilisation ? – T. R. Holmes

History and Culture of India Questions
The Upanishads are – a source of Hindu philosophy
The Harappan civilization was discovered in 1920-21 following excavation – By R. D. Banerjee (at Mohenjodaro) and By D. R. Sahni (at Harappa)
Through which officer the king exercised his control over villages in the Vijayanagar Empire? – Mahanayakacharya
The Sikh Khalsa was formed to instil a strong martial spirit in the Sikhs by – Tenth Sikh Guru Guru Gobind Singh in 1699
Though Ashoka had many sons, the inscriptions mentioned only one who is not mentioned in any other source. He is – Tivara
The Vijayanagar king who employed skilled archers of the Turkish clan and raised the fighting capacity of his bowmen was – Devaraya I
The Palaeolithic Age in India is divided into three phases namely – Lower Palaeolithic (Handaxe and cleaver-industries), Middle Palaeolithic (Tools made on flakes) and upper Palaeolithic (Tools made on flakes and blades)
The Chief of Sukarchakiya misl (a Sikh confederacy) was – Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Under the Guptas in eastern India, there was probably an intermediate level of administration between vishayas (districts) and villages. It was called – Vifhi
The two main monuments of Alaud-din Khilji's reign-the Jama at Kana Masjid and Alai Darwaza were constructed at –Delhi

Economic Affairs of India Questions
In the country, which state is on the top in present in newly developed Education Development Index? – Kerala
Which brand/ company uses the ad line "We know India better" ? – LIC of India
Based on the European Banking system the first bank in India was started in India – at Calcutta in 1770 named 'Hindustan Bank'
The only tungsten producing mine in the country is – Degana (Rajasthan)
Capital Market comprises of – Stock markets and Bond markets
In Global Hunger Index (GHI) India has been ranked at – 96th place among"U9 developing countries
Which State is the largest producer of cashew nuts in India? – Kerala
All revenues received and loans raised by the Union Government go into – Consolidated Fund of India
In coal production, India ranks in the world – Third (after China and America)
In India, the first bank of limited liability managed by Indians and founded in 1881 was – Oudh Commercial Bank

Sports and Games Questions
Fuwa was the official mascot of – Beijing Olympics 2008
'Merdeka cup' is associated with –Football
Jwala Gutta and V. Diju are the famous players of – Badminton
The winner of Wimbledon 2011 Women's Singles title is – Petra Kvitova
Agha Khan Cup is associated with –Hockey (Western India)
The winner of Cop a America (football) 2011 was – Uruguay
Bully, Carry, Corner, Dribble, Hat-trick, Off-side are the terms associated with – Hockey
Which award is given for excellence in the field of sports? – Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
The playground of wrestling is called – Arena Science and Technology Questions
Who invented the ball-point pen? – Lazzlo Biro
Astronomical distance is measured in – light year
Name the process of production of energy in the Sun – Nuclear fusion
The instrument which graphically records physiological movement (e.g., blood pressure/ heartbeat) is known as – Kymograph
Which in automobile exhausts can cause cancer? – Carbon monoxide
Who invented Ball-point pen? – C. Biro in 1938
Who invented chloroform as anaesthetic? – James Simpson
The instrument which measures strength of electric current is – Ammeter
When did India join the Inter-national Tsunami Warning System? – 2004

Agriculture Questions
Kisan Mitra is an employee of – State Govt.
National Project on Organic Farming was launched during – 10th Five Year Plan (2002-2007)
The optimum cardinal temperature point for germination of rice seeds is – 20°C to 25°C
As per the Eleventh Five Year Plan Period (2007-2012) target under the National Food Security Mission (NFSM), the production of rice, wheat and pulses is to be increased by – 10,8 and 2 million tonnes respectively
The number of essential mineral elements of plant is – 16
RKVY stands for – Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
Microbial inoculants capable of solubilizing phosphate are called – Phosphobacteria
Food management in India has three basic objectives namely – Procurement of food grains from farmers, distribution of food-grains to the consumers and maintenance of food buffers for security and price stability
In maize plants – Silk appear first
FRP stands for – Fair and Remunerative Price (of Sugarcane)

Useful GK Questions
BRICS stands for – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
The study of Cancer is called – Oncology
The elements of a group in the periodic table – have similar chemical properties
OPEC stands for – Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
The normal term of office of UN Secretary-General is – 5 years
'Being Myself' is the autobiography of famous tennis player – Martina NavratiIova
The pH of human blood is normally around – 7.5 to 8.0
Falklands Islands are in – South Atlantic
The minimum age required to become the Prime Minister of India is – 25 years
Neprologist is a specialist who treats – Kidney system
The office of the Prime Minister of India is – Created by the Constitution
Kangaroo is the national emblem of – Australia
The objective of the Morley-Minto Reforms was – Extension of provincial assemblies
The national tree of India is – Banyan (Ficus benghalensis)
Cirrhosis is a disease which affects – Liver
The members of the state legislative assemblies are elected for a period of – 5 years
The capital of Bahrain is – Manama
National Defence Academy is situated at – Pune
India's largest museum is located at – Kolkata
In a human body, the basic building blocks are – Cells
As per Census 2011, the highest populated State is – Uttar Pradesh
Hertz is a unit of – Frequency of sound waves 

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